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Dr. B's Tools to Measure and Maximize the "WINGS*" of Students and Teachers
Dr. B's Tools to Measure and Maximize the "WINGS*" of Students and Teachers
*WINGS is my acronym for Wellness Interests Needs Gifts & Strengths
*WINGS is my acronym for Wellness Interests Needs Gifts & Strengths
Measuring and Maximizing the "WINGS" of Students
Measuring and Maximizing the "WINGS" of Teachers
My guiding principles to maximize the "WINGS" of people are the 4Ts / 4Ls:
4Ts: Transparency (Openness). Trust (Relationships), Truth (Experience), & Teamwork (Collaboration)
and / or
4Ls: Look (Miren), Listen (Eschuchen), Learn (Aprendan), & Lead (Guiar)
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